The Twenty Percent

Godot Day 1


I set some goals for myself in order to get the game making ball rolling:

  • Create a project in Godot
  • Tower (Sprite, AttackSpeed, Range, Damage)
  • Enemies (Sprite, Health, Path, MoveSpeed)
  • Projectile (Sprite, Speed, Hit)
  • Make the towers shoot the emeies when they are in range

In the process of taking these steps, I hope to get familiar with both the Godot engine and GDScript. Additionaly I want to keep my mind open to the possibility of a new paradigm.


I started out by forking an existing tower defense project, but I ended up only using it as a (very handy!) reference. Part of the goal here is to get to know the engine and the native language, so I might as well start from scratch. Here’s the link to my repo

Creating a project was easy enough after downloading the engine. I have started out using GDScript, which looks similar to Python, but feels much more powerful because of the engine behind it. The different node types seemed well documented in the engine.

I’ll try to stick to GDScript for now, but there is a lot to learn all at once. Being used to intellisense in Visual Studio, I found it frustrating to search online documentation for function usage. Once I get familiar with the basic functionality, I think it’ll be a blast to work with!

Overall, the first day of working with Godot was very pleasant. The signal system.

I did not get through the whole list of goals, but I suspect I might continue to work on this in my spare time :)

Update 1: After some hefty google-fu, I found this GDScript cheat sheet!